Ultra Ben | |
Season 3, Episode 5 | |
Air date | 5/1/13 |
Written by | Maximus Loo2012 |
Episode Guide | |
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(Vilgax): The world will end and I will have the Fusiomatrix.
(Masked Killer): You ask and you get.
Mr Smoothy
(Ben): I still love smoothies!

(Razor): We know, cher.
(Kevin): So how is GUT?
(Rook): Gu what?
(Kevin): I coined it! I even made the logo! (shows an ugly picture)
(Ben): Very...good. (crosses his fingers)
(Rook): Really?
(Ben): Expression. It's ugly.
(Gwen): Very, Kevin. (sips out of her cup)
(Rook): That is not normal. (stands)
(Ben): Fusetrix, gimme Swampfire! (slaps the Fusiomatrix)
(Nanomech): How can this help?
(Gwen): Help the air! (fires a mana blast at it)
(Masked Killer): Hello.
(Rook): The best killer.
(Razor): Xilar.
(Nanomech): Hunh! (fires tiny blasts)
(Xilar): What can that do? Huh?
(Razor): When did you become so bold?
(Xilar): When I worked under Vilgax-
(Razor): Shut up about that stupid guy!
(Xilar): He promised me all the luxuries!
(Razor): Did he give it to you?
(Xilar): Uh yeah. (shows a hand with gold rings)
(Razor): He didn't even give me those stuff.
(Xilar): Well ha ha! (throws omni grenades)
(Razor): Those are special ones!
(Xilar): Customised to emit radiation.
(Razor): What the fu-(faints)
Ben's Team also faint
3 hours later
(Vilgax): Excellent job at capturing him, Xilar. (gives him another grenade)
(Xilar): Thankee, heh.
In a room with a clear plastic wall where GUT is handcuffed
(Ben): Vilgax! I thought you were gone!
(Vilgax): I was gone for seven times for Chimera's sake!
(Ben): Bla bla bla.
(Kevin): Talk to the hand.
(Rook): What do you mean? (talks to hand) Hello hand?
(Ben): Earth expression, yo!
(Rook): Oh...
(Ben): You know what Master Control comes with?
(Rook): Um...(reading Spider-Man comic) Great responsibility?
(Ben): Nope. Voice control!
(Vilgax): No!
(Grey Matter): Not what I was going for but yeah! (drops through the handcuffed)
(Vilgax): You cannot get out.
(Four Arms): I can. (bashes the door)
(Vilgax): Darn it!
(Four Arms): Game Over.
(Vilgax): Not really. (fires lasers with the Ruby thingamob)
(Four Arms): Crap! (detransforms) (Ben): You win.
(Kevin): What?
(Rook): I...
(Razor): Grrr! (slashes Vilgax's arm)
(Vilgax): I absorbed his Trix long ago, fool. (heals)
(Rook): How about a Proto Tool! (fires several salvos)
(Vilgax): Nngh! (reflects them) Ha!
(Waybig): How about this? (punches him)
Vilgax has an energy shield set up
(Vilgax): You cannot stop me. I am invincible.
(Upchuck): Thn I have a plan! (eats his armor)
(Rath): Rath! (scratches his face)
(Gwen): What are you doing?
(Jetray): Something! (fires neuroshocks)
(Chromastone): Blasted! (fires a blast) Second blast!
(Vilgax): What are you doing?
(Nanomech): Confusation. (fires energy blasts)
(Vilgax): It is not working.
(Kevin): I thought scum never lie! (bashes him with an iron anvil)
(Vilgax): Stop! (fires energy rays at Kevin and blows wind breath at Nanomech)
(Ben): That's all I need to do.
The area around Vilgax crumbles as Xilar runs away
(Ben): Confused yet?
(Vilgax): I will battle you. I will defeat you.
(Heatblast): Oh yeah? (burns the ground)
(Big Chill): You won't for a long time. (freezes the ground)
(Vilgax): Nooooo!
(Ben): Who's for a smoothie?
(Razor): I do not like those drinks. (walks away)
5 miles away
(Razor): Hunh?
(Xilar): Lets do this.
(Razor): Oh sure, Xilar. (whips out katanas)
(Xilar): How fun. (whips out Proto Tool)
Aliens Used[]
- Nanomech (2x)
- Grey Matter
- Four Arms
- Waybig
- Upchuck
- Rath
- Jetray
- Chromastone
- Nanomech
- Heatblast
- Big Chill
Ultra Ben Aliens
| |
Aliens | Heatblast - Wildmutt - Four Arms - Diamondhead - XLR8 - Ghostfreak - Ripjaws - Upgrade - Grey Matter - Stinkfly - Cannonbolt - Wildvine - Benwolf - Benmummy - Benvicktor - Upchuck - Way Big - Eye Guy - Arcticguana- Buzzshock - Spitter - Swampfire - Chromastone - Big Chill - Humungousaur - Echo Echo - Brainstorm - Spidermonkey - Goop - Jetray - Alien X - Rath - Nanomech - NRG - AmpFibian - Armodrillo - Terraspin - Water Hazard - Clockwork - Eatle - - ChamAlien - Fasttrack - Shocksquatch - Feedback - Bloxx - Gravattack - Telepatho - Adapto - Extremor - Hercules - Super Scratch - etc (every alien in the Codon Stream)