Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
AMP Profile
General Information
Species EVO
Home World Earth
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Nanite augmentation, explosion enducement, self-detonation

AMP is an EVO with the ability to enhance nanite power. It was Mouse's partner.


AMP has a big bulky figure that hunches over. He has a red pattern on it's head that is big and seemingly doesn't have a neck. He has a red plated belly. He also has fingers that can grow in length.


AMP works together with Mouse to prove that humans and EVOs shouldn't mingle. They go to extreme measures to make sure of this.


  • AMP has the ability to charge up its hands with a voltage, causing its fingers to grow longer and cause whatever EVO is touched to be overcharged with power.
  • If the charged object is inanimate, it will merely explode. However, an EVO's nanite power will be overcharged, causing it to lose control. For example, Skwydd, who normally can only create a gaseous form of ink, gained the ability to solidify his ink. AMP's fingers can also stretch to a certain distance in order to reach out for objects.