Finally, a new episode!
Glad to hear this isn't canceled.
Granted, but every wish you make must be written in latin and must be backwards as well.
I wish for a taco.
Granted, but only because the World Series was replaced with the Intergalatic Series.
I wish for this game to end.
Granted, but your wish would have saved the world from extinction.
I wish for something bad to happen.
Granted, but they danced only the Macarena.
I wish for the next wish by someone on this thread to be exactly one hundred words long.
Granted, but it went right towards complete catastrophe.
I wish I could live.
Granted, but you're the admin of a dead wiki.
I wish I had renewed energy to write.
Granted, but you're talented in being an easy bullseye target for assassins in training.
I wish for love.
Granted, but only by 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 inches.
I wish for world peace.
This is in response to Echo's wish, "I wish I was taller", since the comments don't count.
PokeRob , you're a blast to be around, and you help to make my day a little bit better each time I come onto Chat.
I'm starting to wonder if the DCEU is a loss cause for a few reasons.
“ | So suit up for a film that was so highly anticipated, it could never have lived up to the hype. That had to deliver the fight fans had wanted to see on the big screen for decades, address the controversy around Man of Steel, make enough money to complete with Marvel, be a sequel to Man of Steel and a Batman Solo movie, pander to jar-of-pee enthusiasts, form the Justice League, introduce: Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Lex Luthor, Parademons...? Doomsday? Steppenwolf? The Death of Superman?! Whose idea was it to cram all of this into one movie?! They just burned through six movies worth of good material!!! | ” |
–Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Honest Trailer, also known as "Fans v Batman v Superman v Critics v Other Fans v Executives v Zack Snyder v Expectations: Can't Do Them All Justice" |
Now on the plus side, it seemed like Suicide Squad was gonna be a nice fresh breath of air. But once again, those darn expectations and standards got in the way. I mean.... look at this.
So yeah, I'm contemplating how long the DCEU will last. But at least we still have Wonder Woman and Justice League.... right?
There's also the possibility that the film just pretty much sucks and isn't a good film at all, but come on, let me live in my fanboy denial for a little bit longer. I don't have a good superhero film until Doctor Strange comes out, and if Mig's userpage is any indication, that's a REALLY long time!
Hail Scidra.
The word variation is misspelled as "variaiton" in the M section.
Also, I kinda feel like the specifics of what words can be used are now not as clear. Like the word gay, you have "(in the inappropriate context)" by it, but if you're intention is to just say to not use it in an offensive/insult-like manner, why not just put "(as an insult)", as you did with another blacklisted word?
For one word, you placed beside it: "(and any variation; can be used via the profanity template as an insult)". However, assuming for this specific word you're referring to using the word in the sexual use, why not just say so? Why not just say "(can be used via profanity template as an insult; not sexual use)" or something similar to it?
That's all. Apologizes if I violated a rule while commenting.
Korda, for being a killer, you're not all that bad. You're funny, enjoyable to be around, and you like Star Wars. It's always great to see you on chat.
Comment - Are we just getting new photos or are we making new achievements/updating achievements? My main concern is that by messing with the achievements the current status on the leaderboard will be affected. I mean true I'm only #19 and I'm bound to eventually lose my status on the board, but I still want to keep my badges if possible that I earned up to this point.
Okay. I just don't wanna be lonely.
I, the mighty Scidra, King of the Scions and the Elders, and the Bringer of Scillumination, use my magic power to make this change happen!
OmniDragon10, you ship people and characters. I also ship people and characters. I respect that part of you man. You also have a great personality.