WARNING: The following text contains some MAJOR SPOILERS about what is being discussed. Click to show the spoilers at your own risk. Thank you.
| You came up with the idea as a concept, but said you wouldn't use it, so I said something like "You better use that idea or I will." and you said you would use it.
WARNING: The following text contains some MAJOR SPOILERS about what is being discussed. Click to show the spoilers at your own risk. Thank you.
| tfw Aaron wouldn’t’ve included ImmoBile if it wasn’t for me.
According to the rules, this should be posted on my wall.
it was
a joke
"before you can have your little fun times"
is this vore
The RPG is already made, and therefore no more aliens can be added to it.
Cannonbolt: Nope, there are requirements for how small a ball has to be. I use Ball Weevil instead.
Ball Weevil: Hey wait a-ahhhhhh!
The Diamond Man wrote: I kind of want to sign-up for the main blog, but I'm not sure how it works, or if I could do it on my phone.
You can do it on phone, albeit with some effort, like I am now.
I think I'll drop out of the Normal Writing Contest.
Sorry, I just don't have the time or ideas.