...you're not the brightest of the bunch, are you?
Howdy kuro, you rock. Like, this was a fantastic read.
cya round paper, fantastic series btw
>over 100 possibilities
I think you meant over 10,000 possibilities
the more I look at the ripjaws design, the more I'm reminded of Diavolo
probably a recalibration of the OV Omnitrix, Creeper. Also I love just about everything shown already, can't wait for the series to come out!
excellent, man
Just read the new chapter, was really impressed by how creative the fights are in this series
It isn't the canon ben we have followed, only one that is similar to the canon one. Anything that happens to this ben won't happen to the prime ben, keep in mind that Ben is crossing over with DANNY PHANTOM of all properties. Basically, don't get your panties in a twist if this comic isn't completely faithful to the canon of the show.
just gonna say this was a fantastic read, loved all the designs and how in-character everyone was in.
Some people can act immature, just so you guys know... that's just how life is. Also what's wrong with Rook, he is a generally agreed upon good addition to the main crew of ben 10?
Gotta give it to either Cannonbolt in his OS debut, or Alien X in AF tbqh.
apparently Pyronites can become African Americans, following Alien Forces logic on why Alan can switch between his human and pyronite genes. Just because one character displays this, doesn't mean every member of that members species has that ability.
For vidya gaems, unless it's explicitly stated as canon then it is invalidated.
Here's some questions that should be asked.
Which fire alien has the hottest fire?
Which species is more intelligent, Galvans or Cerebrocrustacean?
And finally, is there a smoothy that even ben would not eat?
Vilgax was even made into a rip-off of darkseid in AF
Thor is pretty high-tier compared to Ben in the comics, yes however if this were MCU Thor then Ben might stand a chance
I bet 10jack10 legit has done nothing but post on these threads, what a loser am I right or am I right?
You can't just favor what you want as canon and boast that it's the only viable canon, if anything you should choose what is most likely.
in UAF, all aliens were equal to their hybrid counterparts so yes by UAF standards Manny=Fourarms
and finally stop jerking Ben 10 off so much, I get that this is a BEN 10 fanfiction site but the boy is not god or a super genius. To get a few things clear for you, Ben uses aliens that would offer him the most enjoyment in a fight. This doesn't mean choosing the best choice sometimes, like how he often defulted to fourarms or Heatblast in OS. He never uses alien X to the best of his capilibilities, and that's okay because Ben has his own way of doing things.
An ant colony could grow in my stomache and eventually burst out thus resulting in my death, doesn't mean they're stronger then me or I'm weaker then them. What I'm saying is that powerlevels depend on many variables, it's not one you could label with only specific examples because the writer and exact situation cannot be gauged compared to other specific situations with different writers.
Rath was technically able to beat Manny, who we can assume is near or the same, strength wise, in UA as Fourarms. Does this mean Rath could defeat Fourarms in a 1v1 specific fight, no it does not mean that Rath could. You are trying to gauge strength on flimsy evidence that could change from writer to writer, or from series to series.
In OS, Diamondhead was practically useless to Vilgax who in that same fight smashed the Mount Rushmore Recreation of George Washingtons Face, yet in AF, Diamondhead could easily tank Vilgax by spawning one giant diamond. These are inconsistent with eachother and should not be used as evidence because they contridict each other. Just use your head and realize that this is a sci-fi children's cartoon with flimsy facts that have faulty ideas to what they can or cannot do.