This is the official discussion thread for Attack on To'kustar. Feel free to discuss the series, ask questions, or leave your general thoughts below.
If you are a fan of the series, give kudos to the original post!
This is the official discussion thread for Attack on To'kustar. Feel free to discuss the series, ask questions, or leave your general thoughts below.
If you are a fan of the series, give kudos to the original post!
Voice was released! The next episode is titled Lightning; it will be released Sunday.
Next time on Attack on To'kustar, it's To'kustar versus To'kustar! Finally, after 21 episodes, things are starting to get intense! Stay tuned for a potential sneak peak of the action tomorrow!
The sneak peak will be released tomorrow. Instead, I have added the official names of the rest of the episodes of Season 1, except for the finale, because that one contains M A S S I V E S P O I L E R S. You can check them out on the series' page!
The 22nd episode, titled Lightning, will be released tomorrow around 2 PM Eastern Time, about 15 hours after this is posted. Here is a sneak peak of the episode! Enjoy!
The following contains spoilers related to Attack on To'kustar. Please proceed with caution. | ||
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Hey all! This will be my last update on this thread for a while, so it's going to be somewhat long. I have officially confirmed that there will be a second season, meaning that when episodes return on May 23, they will be continuing for some time. I have made myself a schedule for the next few months for when to write episodes and when to release episodes. As said before, I am now only going to be releasing episodes when all of the episodes in one chapter have been finished. This is why there won't be any new episodes until May 23.
That being said, once I start releasing episodes, I will be writing the next chapter while the current chapter is being released, so there won't be a break between every chapter. My current release schedule is May 23, which is a Tuesday, and then starting on Friday, May 26, release one episode every Friday until I take a break, whenever that is. My writing plan is to give myself N-1 weeks for a chapter with N episodes, so I will always be writing a little over one episode a week, which I find to be a pretty casual pace for the summer (especially based on how I used to write).
So, based on this plan, the last episode in this group will be the 19th episode of Season Two, released on November 10. However, I may move the last chapter I plan on releasing until after the hiatus, in which case the hiatus would start after the 15th episode was released on October 13.
I understand that this is a lot, and I may end up writing less than this, but I'm being ambitious, and I'm extremely motivated, and unlike most of the last three years, I don't really have writer's block, so I'm confident.
I don't have plans for how long the hiatus would be. It would probably be until late April, with maybe a few scattered releases during the long break.
Finally, I want to make some more announcements regarding Season Two, including things I didn't put on any of the pages yet. Here is a list of the first several chapters of Season Two:
As you can see, while the theme for chapters name in Season One was "Attack on...", in Season Two, it is "Espers of..." This corresponds to the official title of Season Two: Attack on To'kustar: Espers of the Heart. This name will become clear as the Season One concludes and Season Two begins.
Finally, I want to talk about some new characters who will be appearing in Season Two. This parts contains some spoilers, so beware...
The following contains spoilers related to Attack on To'kustar Season 2. Please proceed with caution. | ||
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I really hope you enjoy this news. I won't be taking a break from the wiki for a few weeks, but don't worry, I'll still be writing...
I hope.
cya round paper, fantastic series btw
Hey all; quick update!
Starting with the next episode, there will be a "Previously on" and "Next on" compilation/trailer at the beginning/end of every episode. The previously segment will be a recap of important scenes from previous episodes, while the trailer will be a preview of upcoming scenes, mainly from the very next episode, but occasionally from later in the chapter.
To preview this new part, I have added a trailer for "Denial" to the page for Lightning. Check it out now!
My next update probably won't be for a few weeks, so bye!
Quick update time!
I am now halfway through writing Chapter 6 of the series, which three more episodes are done. Hopefully I will have the final three episode of the season finished in the next two weeks, so I can release a trailer for the final chapter of the season two weeks from today. This final chapter is jam-packed, and the episodes are already much longer than most episodes have been before.
And when I say jam-packed, I certainly mean it. Without giving away too many spoilers, this chapter has intense action sequences, gripping character development and flashbacks, tragic deaths, shocking betrayals, the surprising answers to many season-long questions. Of course, with every question answered, there are already three more to be asked in its place.
In the week before the series returns I will be posting more updates, and some cool special character bios because I feel like doing that, but nothing too impressive.
Oh, and later this week I will be making a semi-related blog post. Not saying what it's about, but if you know me, and know what time of year it is, maybe you can guess.
Next update on this thread won't be until next weekend. Cheers!
As promised, here is the next update!
On Tuesday, I will release a sneak peak for Denial, as it will be released one week after that. Then, on Sunday, I will release a trailer for Chapter 6.
Finally, here are the first two character bios I talked about: Sven Schmidt and Hadria Carter.
WARNING: SPOILERS MAY FOLLOW The following information contains spoilers related to Attack on To'kustar through episode 1522. "Lightning". Please proceed with caution or leave the page if you do not wish to be spoiled. Click to collapse/expand box |
Sven Schmidt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sven is one of the main characters of Attack on To'kustar. He is a 13 year old boy from Ateria, the town where the To'kustars first return. When they break through the walls and get into the city, he is forced to flee. Sven has a strong will and a desire to do things in his own way, which cause him to have passionate anger against the To'kustars which threaten humanity. His goal in life is to explore beyond the walls, despite the wishes of his family. After the To'kustars returned, he took his first step towards his goal, by joining a military training program for several teenagers in Ateria and Teviv. However, things took an unexpected turn when Sven discovered a mysterious device at a Forever Knights base, which allows him to transform into a To'kustar. Now, while still unsure of how to control his newfound power, he uses it to help the army fight back against the To'kustars and the Forever Knights.
Hadria Carter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hadria is one of the main characters of Attack on To'kustar. She the 14 year old daughter of Aterian police chief Lawrence Carter. Raised solely by her father after her mother was kidnapped by the Forever Knights a few years prior to the start of the series, Hadria has had very few interactions with many of the other children in her town, causing her to become independent, but also arrogant. After the To'kustars breach the wall surrounding the city, Hadria joins a military training program with several other children in her town and Teviv. As she prepares for training though, she soon learns that she is not like the other kids in more ways than one: she is an Esper, having mysterious powers that she has still yet to discover. As she continues to train, she begins to seek out the answers to many questions, some of which do not have a simple answer.
Today's update has some major announcements concerning season two. I'm currently going through a major revision process of my plan for the season. While this will not delay the start of the season or any of its episodes, it does drastically change what I had announced in terms of chapters. The titles of the chapters will all change. I am also abandoning the Espers of the Heart subtitle for the season, and chapters will no longer all be named similarly within a season.
I can also confirm that season two will contains six chapters and a total of 24 episodes. The six chapters are:
No character bios today. I will post the next two tomorrow, along with any other news.