This is the official discussion thread for Attack on To'kustar. Feel free to discuss the series, ask questions, or leave your general thoughts below.
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This is the official discussion thread for Attack on To'kustar. Feel free to discuss the series, ask questions, or leave your general thoughts below.
If you are a fan of the series, give kudos to the original post!
I'm back and planning on continuing this series. I've been inspired to do so by Attack on Titan season 2 finally coming out. Season 1 will be finished in the coming months! Stay tuned for more updates!
The final two volumes of Chapter 5 will be released within the next week, either on a Wednesday-Sunday or Thursday-Monday schedule. After that, there will be a few weeks off before Chapter 6, as I'm switching to not releasing any volumes within a chapter until the whole chapter is finished. You can expect those to be released starting the end of May.
I'm also confirming that I will make a second season. It will probably start in mid-June, or whenever Season 1 ends.
Here is a sneak peak of the episode that will be released tomorrow, Voice. Enjoy.
The following contains spoilers related to Attack on To'kustar. Please proceed with caution. | ||
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excellent, man
Voice was released! The next episode is titled Lightning; it will be released Sunday.
Next time on Attack on To'kustar, it's To'kustar versus To'kustar! Finally, after 21 episodes, things are starting to get intense! Stay tuned for a potential sneak peak of the action tomorrow!
The sneak peak will be released tomorrow. Instead, I have added the official names of the rest of the episodes of Season 1, except for the finale, because that one contains M A S S I V E S P O I L E R S. You can check them out on the series' page!
The 22nd episode, titled Lightning, will be released tomorrow around 2 PM Eastern Time, about 15 hours after this is posted. Here is a sneak peak of the episode! Enjoy!
The following contains spoilers related to Attack on To'kustar. Please proceed with caution. | ||
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